Knolls Archives allows you to travel back in time to reread articles of interest to you, to refresh your memory on the history of our neighborhood, or just kill a little time.
Tell your neighbors about this website, so that they, too, can enjoy the personalized services it offers.
New Column
10 September 2004
A new weblog has been created for your use. The address is: Link to Between Neighbors
We need volunteers to hand out Notice Flyers.
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9 September 2004
Thanks for your questions in the "Between Neighbors" section of
This website was established to help people to interact in the community. No Neighborhood Association has been formally chartered, but it seems like it would be appropriate and beneficial to the area if a group were willing to take on the leadership role. I own property in the area and set up the website at no expense to the neighbors with the hope that it would kindle an interest in communication which would benefit the growth of friendships and the growth of the neighborhood in a positive way.
A common dues fee for a household to belong to a Neighborhood Association is $5 per year. Perhaps you and some of your friends would like to spearhead such a project.
Please refer to the reprint below to obtain information from Mr. Padilla with the City about starting a neighborhood association.
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Homes of Enchantment Parade
8 September 2004
A couple of new homes built in the Knolls of Paradise Hills are featured in the 14th Annual Homes of Enchantment Parade. Every October, home buyers and curious individuals get a chance to see new homes in the Albuquerque area. Builders offer a glimpse of their creations without making appointments with realtors. The two addresses for participating homes in our area are:
9936 Cardinal NW
and 4600 Arlington Way.
The web address for this tour is http://www. homes of enchantment parade . com
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Obtaining Knolls Recognition
7 September 2004
During the week of May 17, 2004 Don Newton was contacted, 924-3906, of the City of Albuquerque concerning current boundaries for existing Neighborhood Associations (NA).
He stated that the Knolls is a part of the very large Paradise Hills NA situated from Coors to Ventana Ranch. (See City's GIS mapping on the City website. Inside of the above NA there is another NA called Eagle Ranch whose boundary is Congress.
A smaller NA seving the Knolls establishes the area to address problems more efficiently. Congress could be the south boundary; Irving, the north and east boundary; Golf Course, the west boundary.
Deborah Nason, 924-3911, was contacted about the possibility of listing our website on the City's A-Z Directory for Neighborhood Associations. This would be possible IF we became a formal NA.
There is no information on the City's website about formation of a NA. However, Leo Padilla, 924-3912 whose email is, can be contacted about attending a Neighborhood Organization Meeting to establish a NA. This could be held in a private home.
A copy of the Restated Declaration of Protective Covenants is available.
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Paradise Knolls Receives City Listing
5 September 2004 has received a spot in the City of Albuquerque A-Z Listing under "N" for Neighborhood Associations. The City has graciously added our website to this informational link. The direct URL link which is provided allows others to know about our area.
It is hoped that leaders in the Knolls will band together and complete formalities needed to become an official Neighborhood Association in Albuquerque.
For a visit to the City's link to our website, click here
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"From the Get-Go"
4 September 2004
Boyds-Leslie Park Neighborhood Association is in the news. The May 27, 2004 issue of "The Albuquerque Tribune" in the Neighborhood Trib section spotlights a noteworthy neighbor, Wanda Dudley, 82, who practices the neighborly spirit. She welcomes new people to the area, helps out when she can, and practices the Golden Rule. Her neighborhood, located near Montgomery and San Pedro NE, consists of 181 households. 175 of those households belong to their Neighborhood Association. According to the Tribune, "A big reason is Wanda Dudley".
"'I just ride my bike around the neighborhood, and if I see a moving van, I stop and tell them who I am,' Dudley says of her recruitment style.
"At $5 a year in association fees, it's evidently hard to say no to the smiling woman on the bike."
For details of Mrs. Dudley's busy life, check out the full article.
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3 September 2004
During the week of May 17, 2004 Bill Sanderson contacted Don Newton, 924-3906, of the City of Albuquerque concerning current boundaries for existing Neighborhood Associations (NA).
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