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Visiting the Knolls of Paradise Hills


Knolls Archives allows you to travel back in time to reread articles of interest to you, to refresh your memory on the history of our neighborhood, or just kill a little time.
Tell your neighbors about this website, so that they, too, can enjoy the personalized services it offers.

The Knolls is nestled between Coors and Golf Course -- just north of Paradise.

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Time to Head for the Art Show!
27 January 2007

"Green" is the title of the new art show at 516 Arts. This gallery is located at 516 Central SW and is open Tuesday-Saturday from 12-5 pm until January 28, 2007.

"Green" features 56 pieces by 23 artists in painting, sculpture, photograhy, and digital arts. This is the kick-off show for the newly renovated gallery.

Names of those who committed themselves to establishing this gallery and this show read like celestial shooting stars. Luisa Casso, leader of the Downtown Action Team, has been pleased at all who stepped up to help in this communitywide effort. The McCune Charitable Foundation of Santa Fe and the Albuquerque business community led by John Lewinger, a real estate broker, donated over half a million dollars for the purchase of the building and organizing the physical setting and operation of the gallery. Andrew John Cecil and Suzanne Sbarge planned the inaugural exhibit.

Come to the show, enjoy the works, and celebrate this new addition to Albuquerque's Downtown. You should note, too that there will be a gallery talk with artists and catalog essayist on January 20, 2007 at 2 pm and a poetry reading and closing reception on January 26, 2007 at 8 pm.

Below are some links to lead you to some of the contributing artists:

Exhibit at:

Larry Bell

Mary Lewis Garcia

Florence Pierce

Luis Jimenez

Melissa Zink

Douglas Kent Hall

Delilah Montoya

Frederick Hammersley

Joel-Peter Witkin

Cynthia Cook on HG TV

Marc Ouellette

Mary Tsiongas

Diego Romero

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Valles Caldera Remains a Volcanic Wonder
25 January 2007

Just outside of Jemez Springs is a New Mexican spectacular landscape known as Valles Caldera. Its grassy green bowls are the remains of a collapsed volcano which once spewed hot lava and ash to help form the surrounding Jemez Mountains.

The land was purchased six years ago by the federal government for $101 million. Formerly, it was an 89,000 acre cattle ranch which many Albuquerqueans keep in their memory bank. Today there remain not only 1,500 miles of logging roads and 65,000 acres of forests, but also coyotes, hawks, streams, and serene beauty.

Knolls natives will be interested in this other piece of paradise. Mark it on your calendars for a pleasant Spring ride.

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NM Lights the Candles of Success
22 January 2007

Have you seen the pretty faces on Gertrude Zachary's billboards? These faces of success belong to a newcomer to Albuquerque, Carmen Serano.

Carmen, a wife, mother, model, and actress, moved from her native Los Angeles to NM last year and planned to be a stay-at-home mom. A chain of events changed her direction, however. She left a few photos with the local Eaton Agency with the hope of getting some acting parts. Shelle Neese of Studio Seven Productions spotted Carmen's picture from dozens placed before her at the Eaton Agency. Although Carmen never envisioned being a billboard model, she was chosen to spotlight the jewelry and and beautiful antiques which are featured in the locally owned Gertrude Zachary stores located downtown and in Nob Hill. So far, four series of billboards have been photographed.

If that weren't enough excitement in the Serano household, more is to come. Movie goers will soon be flocking to see Carmen as an actress in the movie, "The Flock", with Richard Gere and Claire Danes in 2007. This movie was shot recently in Albuquerque with NM film financing.

Visit Gertrude Zachary to view some lovely items for you or for your home. Admire Carmen on the billboards and remember that many dreams of many people can come true in Albuquerque.

If you can't stop by Zachary's store today, you can visit online @

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A Bird's Eye View of Family Fare
21 January 2007

Looking for a new venue for family outings in the New Year? Bosque del Apache holds the key. This beautiful wildlife refuge is located about 20 miles south of Socorro. Since its 1939 creation as a man-made bosque flood area, it has become the home to thousands of birds, elk, deer, and many other animal species.

Current count of Sandhill Cranes is about 6,000 with Snow Geese and Ross's Geese weighing in at around 51,000. You can find about 210 Canada Geese, too. Your bird friends may be visited an hour before dawn until an hour after dusk. There is a Visitor's Center, picnic tables, public restrooms, and lots of time to enjoy getting to know your fine-feathered friends better.

There is no cooking there and no fires. Dogs must be on a leash. The cost is $3.00 a car, so bring the whole family.

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NM Actor Stars in "Apocalypto"
12 January 2007

Raoul Trujillo lives in Las Trampas, NM, but his acting ability changes his name to Zero Wolf, a Mayan warrior, who becomes the leader of the bad guys in Mel Gibson's "Apocalypto".

The movie was shot in Catemaco, Mexico at one of the last remaining rainforests in that country. The setting stirs memories of the powerful Mayan civilization which once included five modern countries: Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador from 2400 BC to the 15th Century AD. The achievements of the Mayans were monumental and included their own writing system, a knowledge of astronomy, farming prowess, architectural skills, and a distinct and intricate art development.

The movie references the Yacatec Maya Language which has never been spoken outside of the Yucatan Peninsula. Its use contributes to the viewer's identification with the dying Mayan civilization. There is a disruption of life which follows the invasion by a violent force. A twist of fate takes a man on a desperate break to go home and to save his way of life. Love, action, and adventure may make your heart stop. If you want to prepare for this movie, you will want to travel to these links:

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Paradise Knows Two Knolls
10 January 2007

What's in a name? There's a lot in store for golfers who call golf "Paradise". Location, however, may cause confusion.

About 2 blocks west of Paradise Knolls in Albuquerque, NM 87114 is a beautiful 18-hole golf course known as Desert Greens Golf Course. Just south of the Pomona Freeway in Riverside, CA 92509 there's a beautiful 18-hole golf course called Paradise Knolls at 9330 Limonite Avenue.

The Official 2006 Sun Country Pub Links Championship and the Official 2006 USGA Pub Links Qualifier were both hosted at the golf course near Albuquerque's Paradise Knolls. We look forward to hearing more from you golfers at Paradise Knolls in Riverside.

Tee off for more information:

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Snowflake Alert for Schools
5 January 2007

Winter brings the opportunity for snowflakes and inclement weather in Albuquerque. Informing the public of school closings or 2-hour delays are the responsibility of the Albuquerque Public Schools.

Parents can check the various local TV channels and radio stations to get this information. APS gives a quick alternative, however, through its website, An abbreviated day starts 2 hours after the usual opening time and ends at the regular time . For most schools, the following schedule will be in effect on an abbreviated day:

If an abbreviated day falls on a Wednesday, students in the elementary grades will be dismissed at 3:45 pm instead of the usual 1:30 pm.

Parents will be notified by 8 am if school is to be cancelled for the whole day.

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A Chance to Air Your Mall Ideas
4 January 2007

PruWinrock is the current owner of Albuquerque's Winrock Shopping Center. Winthrop Rockefeller was the originator of this mall. Thus, the name Winrock was born. The current status of Winrock is that it will be born again into a wonderfully vibrant shopping attraction.

ABQ Uptown proved to be a popular new focus of holiday shopping. You have probably thought of other shopping additions you would like to see in the growing Albuquerque Marketplace. Susan Stiger of the Albuquerque Journal would like you to know your ideas of shopping venues that would set Winrock apart. Let her know your dreams or plans for Winrock through an email to:

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Say Goodbye to the Holiday: Recycle Your Tree
2 January 2007

For 18 years it has been a holiday tradition for people in Albuquerque to recycle their trees. This tradition continues today. PNM and the City of Albuquerque are the sponsors.

Participants may take their trees to three city locations for drop-off between January 2-January 7, 2007. Trees will be turned into mulch. The public may pick up free mulch for use in individual yards at the time of drop-off.

This program has resulted in the recycling of about 40,000 trees each year. The practice benefits Albuquerque residents and extends the life duration of local landfills by placing trees into another method of disposal.

If you would like to recycle your tree, take it to:

Eagle Rock Convenience Center Map
6301 Eagle Rock NE (North off I-25 & Alameda to Eagle Rock)
Phone: 857-8318
Located just south of the Coronado Airport, Open 7 days a week 8 am to 5 pm.

Don Reservoir Convenience Center Map
114th St. SW (West of 98th Street off West Central Ave.)
Phone: 836-8757
Open 7 days a week 8 am to 5 pm.

Montessa Park Convenience Center Map
3512 Los Picaros SE (Rio Bravo West to Broadway,South to Bobby Foster Road.)
Phone: 873-6607
Open 7 days a week 8 am to 5 pm.

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Welcome the New Year--and Your New Neighbors
1 January 2007

Welcome Wagon techniques can be rolled out in the Knolls neighborhood to start 2007 off with friendship and good will.

Has someone moved into your neighborhood? Call the newcomer and a few friends over for hot chocolate and cookies. Invest in a new friendship.

Having a cocktail party? That's a nice time to welcome the new couple down the block. Bring out your pretty stemware, whip up some appetizers, and toast the new year. For a few hours of work, you may initiate many years of deep friendships.

Need help with food for your gathering? Go to Martini Grille for catering.

Want to go out with a few friends or your new neighbors to a fun place? Try the Q Bar located at Hotel Albuquerque (Rio Grande and Mountain Road NW).

If you don't have enough hours in the day to plan a party, go to Duke City Fix to see what's going on in other Albuquerque neighborhoods. Get inspired! Get in the swing of good friendships with your old and new neighbors.

See the links below for more information:

Invite old and/or new Knolls neighbors to the Q Bar.

Host a private cocktail party with catering provided by the martini grille.

Visit the Duke City Fix: [ ]

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Visit the Stars Online

A network of telescopes located in New Mexico has joined with other telescope networks located in Australia and Israel to allow renters to view planets orbiting stars.

Session blocks for telescope use are purchased using a point system. Each point is valued at $1 USD. Purchases are made in 100 point blocks. The lowest priced rental rate is for a Tak Sky90, telescope located in New Mexico at $55/hour, or 55 points. The highest priced telescope can be rented in Victoria, Australia for $145/hour, or 145 points. Here's to the stars in your eyes!

Your eyes will have them through